We had our friends at Bloodworks Northwest over again today in their blood-mobile.
With over 30 volunteers giving blood today, that makes over 90 lives helped as patients who need blood!

What’s in a name? Because blood works miracles every day.

Who is Bloodworks Northwest?
Today we touch and save lives far beyond Puget Sound – serving nearly 90 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. We now provide a wide range of medical, transfusion and lab services that play an essential role in quality healthcare in the Northwest.
Our research sets us apart: we’re one of a few blood centers in the US doing leading edge research on blood biology, transfusion, thrombosis and blood disorders.

Their Mission?
Saving lives through research, innovation, education and excellence in blood, medical and laboratory services in partnership with our community.

Why Give?
The blood supply for our region depends on thousands of local individuals every week who make the decision to give blood and help keep folks safe when they need the gift of life-saving blood.

Did you know…
• A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S.
• Only 5% of the population donates
• Each day, nearly 900 people must donate with BloodworksNW to meet the local need
• The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs
• Every 2 minutes, someone in western WA is receiving a transfusion

How long does it take?
Actual donation takes only seven to ten minutes. The entire process is about an hour, but can help three people – each donated unit of blood is separated into platelets, plasma and red blood cells. The donor’s body immediately begins to replace the donated blood cells.

After a blood donation the body replaces plasma in about 24 hours, red cells are restored in two to four weeks, and platelets are replenished in about 72 hours.