Boe’s Argentina Adventure

Meet our other Senior Graphic Designer, Boe Baty in our Creative Service department. Boe’s many creative talents work on ads, packaging, image editing and art directs our photography and videography. When we need anything and everything graphic, Boe’s our go to guy! He brings fresh ideas and solutions to each collection we design for and works closely with our Business Development teams to carry our customer briefs through all touch points. When you see our beautiful lifestyles, Boe was behind the camera framing it out for the perfect shot.
So filed in the jealous department, I get to gush about the highlights of his latest adventure – his two week long trip to Argentina. [insert day dreaming music here] One of Boe’s interests when not designing is Wildlife Photography – primarily birds. So when he planned his vacation to Argentina, he knew just where he wanted to go:
The Iguazu Falls are one of the world’s largest waterfalls. They extend nearly 2 miles in a semi-circular shape. Of the 275 falls that collectively make up Iguazu Falls, “Devil’s Throat” is the tallest at over 263 ft high. The falls are on the border between Brazil and Argentina and are surrounded by two National Parks. Both are subtropical rainforests that are host to hundreds of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna.
After days of hiking through the mist and rainforest of the falls, Boe captured these amazing photos of birds and gave us a little write up about each one:
1. Chestnut-eared Aracari – a small breed of toucan. The Chestnut-eared Aracari is a frugivorous species, feeding on fruits from several plant species. However, it may also take flowers and nectar. It catches insects, and is known to hunt nestling birds and it takes eggs too. It preys on nests of some bird species, and may attack woodpeckers, driving them from their holes. These birds usually stay well away from the larger toucans, because a hierarchy by size is often established at food sources.
2. Plush-crested Jay – The Plushed-crested Jay feeds primarily on small invertebrates, mainly insects, and fruits from several plant species. It regularly feeds on maize when available and other seeds during the winter. They are a communal breeder, and commonly 2-3 helpers take part in nesting duties and defense. The young remain within the family group for several months.
3. Violet-capped Woodnymph – The Violet-capped Woodnymph is a species of hummingbird. It is found in forest (primarily humid), dense woodland, and gardens in south-eastern Brazil, eastern Paraguay, Uruguay, and far north-eastern Argentina
4. Toco Toucan – This is the largest species of toucan with a total body length of around 21.5-25.5 inches. Toco toucans eat fruit, insects, frogs, small reptiles, eggs, and nestlings.
5. Smooth-billed Ani – The Smooth-billed Ani lives in small groups of one to five breeding pairs, and up to seventeen individuals. They defend a single territory and lay their eggs in one communal nest. All group members incubate the eggs and care for the young.
6. Campo Flicker – Campo Flickers feed almost exclusively on the ground, walking or hopping along the ground in search of termites, ants and beetles. They sometimes forage in flocks. Campo Flickers have been known to hammer open the large mounds made by terrestrial termites to get at the insects within.
The photos of the falls were taken with his iPhone and the images of the birds were captured with his DSLR camera. Boe has quite the following on Instagram @boebaty_photography which is where he publishes gorgeous photos of the birds he sees on his trips to his everyday life. Click through to his account and give him a follow for more amazing images of birds through the eyes of our incredibly talented designer.