This week, we had an amazing opportunity to help out a local Habitat for Humanity build project just to the south of us. We had 23 employees come in two shifts to work on various projects in and around the homes currently under construction. The work made for a long day, but was a welcome break from cubicle life for many, or at the very least served as a good change in pace.

Group photo: Morning Shift
When we arrived we were given hard hats, gloves, and site safety information. Alex, our main contact for this project gave us a run down regarding the non-profit organization, Habitat for Humanity, and the community we would be working on. Habitat for Humanity is a global organization dedicated to providing affordable housing to lower income families. The organization focuses on shelter because providing a safe and affordable place for people to develop and grow within is key to encouraging sustainable lifestyle improvement for individuals and communities.
Image: Habitat for Humanity
The specific community we contributed to is called Megan’s Meadow. Megan’s Meadow is located in the city of Pacific (south of Auburn) next to the Sounder train tracks. The property is vacant land within an area of residential homes including a new development under construction across the street. It will provide 9 low-income families with both an affordable home and an affordable mortgage in a new housing development in Pacific.

Image: Habitat for Humanity
This is being designed as a Veteran’s focused community with all units to be accessible, single-story homes. Environmental stewardship and long-term affordability will be ensured by constructing these single family homes to achieve or surpass NW Energy Star sustainable building standard. The property is part of a land grant that will ensure that this community remains affordable for 99 years.

Rollin, Monette, and Brad get the power washer going
It was a great experience. We had volunteers from most of our departments, making it a great opportunity to interact with people we don’t run into on a daily basis. We worked on moving lumber, helping align foundation support structures, cleaning, applying grout, and lots of digging.

Digging out a trench to realign the foundation
I participated as part of the digging team. One of our tasks was to uncover the area around the foundation, going around some piping, so that the wall foundation could be realigned. The ground was tough in spots and we ended up alternating between breaking it up and shoveling the dirt. It was really wonderful to get a chance to not only get out of the office, but to know that the time we spent working on this project was directly affecting the future home owners. It’s rewarding to see progress made on projects.
Dorik Downing, our Art Director, and expert ground breaker, commented that it was “Great to be able to get our hands dirty and be part of helping veterans get into affordable homes”. Noting that the onsite staff made the experience. “I enjoyed working with the people from H4H—they have great attitudes and are very knowledgeable.”

Rollin and Amanda start to remove the frame around the cement floor
Amanda, our Marketing Specialist, was lead on coordinating the opportunity with Habitat. She loves helping make these kinds of projects come to life and the spirit behind volunteering for the community. “I am humbled to work with such an amazing team who so willingly came together, rallied and helped with the foundations our community veterans will get to enjoy for years to come. It doesn’t get any better than getting your hands dirty with full hearts.”

Charisse, Kathryn, and Stacy sweep debris away from the floor
Our Executive Assistant, Charisse (now a Master at Grouting), is always supportive of our volunteering efforts because, “I love that our company supports its employees passion for volunteer work.” “…it was such an amazing experience to help at the site where veteran’s will have the opportunity to own a home. It was AWESOME to work alongside our CA team and make a difference in our community TOGETHER!” She did note, however that despite being somewhat sore after her double shift, Charisse would “do it all again in a heartbeat.”
Stacy, our Accounting Supervisor was part of the second shift of workers and enjoyed the camaraderie that comes with working on this kind of project in tandem. “What a great opportunity to work together and do something that will positively impact families in our community. It was fun to work with people from other teams and get to know each other a little bit better.”

Always happy to help
Joining her on the second shift was Bridget Shew, a Technical Designer on the team, was enthusiastic about the experience. “I have learned that when I have had hard times, serving others makes me happy. I loved working with my Classic friends giving service to an organization that clearly is dedicated to provide homes for others in need.” Her team members noted her attention to detail and willingness to pull out the level to confirm adjustments during the process.

Helping with grout
Liza, one of our Product Development Merchandisers, attended the afternoon session and got a chance to help lay out grout. Despite some lingering soreness, Liza had a good experience, “It was epic…I’m game for the next one.”

More frame removal
Working the an organization that is dedicated to providing sustainable shelter resonated with both our desire to inspire memorable experiences and to help people preserve the items that help make those experiences possible. We wanted to leave a bit of Classic with the homes and their future inhabitants. In addition to the time spent by our employees helping on site, the company donated (per new home) a set of chaise lounges adorned with our Montlake FadeSafe Cushions, an umbrella with an umbrella stand, and accompanying covers for all pieces.

Group Shot: Afternoon Shift
We will be back next Spring to help finalize the remaining 5 homes for the total of 9 homes that make up Megan’s Meadow. We’d like to extend a big thank you to all of our volunteers, our photographer, Angela, and the awesome leads we had onsite helping us out, Chris and Lucy.
More images are available on Facebook!