Classic Community
Classic Accessories is based out of Kent, Washington. Which is a hop, skip and a jump South of Seattle. We have been based here for many years and through them we have connected with some of the great resources that make our community great.
Last week we had Bloodworks Northwest out here again for a donation day in their “Bloodmobile” and we were able to give enough to save 63 lives! It takes less than 20 minutes for the whole process: check in, donate and be rewarded with delicious treats. (easy right?)
Who is your donation helping? Check out our last donation day here.
Local patients need blood transfusions for many reasons like cancer, chronic illnesses, blood disorders and surgeries. One thing they don’t have to worry about when they are facing a health challenge is blood being available because of donors like you.
Why Give?
The blood supply for our region depends on thousands of local individuals every week who make the decision to give blood and help keep folks safe when they need the gift of life-saving blood.
Did you know…
• A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S.
• Only 5% of the population donates
• Each day, nearly 900 people must donate with BloodworksNW to meet the local need
• The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs
• Every 2 minutes, someone in western WA is receiving a transfusion

This Spring we also walked up the street to Northwest Harvest to spend a day volunteering in their fulfillment center. Northwest Harvest’s mission is leading the fight for hungry people statewide to have access to nutritious food while respecting their dignity and promoting good health. We had 28 staff members contribute and help pack 5,550 pounds of rice which helps feed 4,269 families in our community. That’s HUGE!
Hunger Fast Facts for Washington:
• Washington is the 23rd hungriest state in the nation.
• 1 in 5 kids in Washington state lives in a household that struggles to put food on the table.
• 1 in 7 Washingtonians relies on SNAP (food stamps), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which is severely threatened by budget cuts. Half of all people on SNAP are kids.
• The majority of working-age Washingtonians who live in poverty are actively working or looking for work.
• Since the start of the recession in 2008, Washington has cut more than $12 billion in discretionary spending from our state’s operating budget, all in the areas of public safety, higher education and basic needs services.
• 1 in 5 Washingtonians relies on their local food bank.
Summer – isn’t always the most favorite season for kids.
Northwest Harvest also runs a Kids’ Summer Food Club which reaches kids who normally have access to meals during the school year during the Summer months by serving kid-friendly food to areas where 1) we have partner programs, 2) no near summer meal sites, and 3) where over 50% of the children apply for free and reduced meals during the school year.

Classic Accessories has also taken a local elementary school under our wing and each year we do an annual school supply drive for our neighborhood Redhawks. Anything from glue sticks and binders down to our favorite boxes of Crayola, we are rounding up supplies to fill those backpacks up come September. Donations don’t stop at the classroom, some of them go straight to kids in need of warm coats and shoes to the nurses who need first-aid items. All of them go to the well being of our community’s kids. What could be better?

It’s no secret that we are all about the outdoors – it’s kind of our thing. How to protect your favorite investments all year round by loving our own outdoors from season to season. So it wasn’t a surprise when we decided that this Summer we would partake in a local park clean up, more to come on that in August.
Showing off our products and the in-house teams here at Classic Accessories is easy. It’s the culture here and a strong sense of community that really gives us a base on which to grow ideas which ultimately we get to share with you, in the form of products and services. Some may say “it all starts at home” and home is a term we use here as well. Home to our team is our community around us here in Kent, Washington that we are so proud to be a part of.