Why cover your grill?

When people talk about BBQ in America, the discussion typically takes a turn towards location. Grilling and smoking are time-honored traditions that have many roots. Some states are divided by sauces, some by smoke, some by rubs and so on. As much as we can chat about the best recipe or our favorite pit to grab a bite, here at Classic Accessories, we take location a little more seriously than a sauce debate. We know the elements can vary drastically just in our lower 48. Since we are in the cover business, we look at what mother nature is serving up season after season if broken down by three of her favorite styles:
When we think of humidity, we think hot, tropical days and nights with moisture in the air that feels heavy and thick. Napoleon Grills reminds us that, “humid can also mean damp, like a foggy day in London,” which we may see more than our fair share of in the Pacific Northwest. Our grill covers are designed with air vents that keep weather out while providing maximum ventilation and minimum condensation. Our covers are also designed to not cover wheel or leg bottoms that hang to the ground. This prevents the cover from sitting in any standing water that is common in coastal climates where heavy rain and snow can be a seasonal detriment. Water, in any form, is a damaging element to outdoor kitchens and we have introduced taped seams into our NEW Madrona RainProof Grill Covers to further keep moisture from barbecues and grills
Dry climates pose another threat to your grill over time with damaging UV exposure and lack of moisture. A cover will prevent dust and debris from coating the grill and finding its way into catch pans where fires can easily be started. When we say our covers are designed for all elements, we took these environments into consideration.
Here are some quotes from various BBQ forums on covering grills:

One of the best things about grills is that they are meant to be used outdoors, so they are built with some of the toughest materials. Even though price tags vary by brand, style and size, all grills have their weaker points as well. This is where a cover can come in to extend the life of cheaper metals and help keep some of the accessories like side tables, tank doors and controls working like new.

From harsh weather to daily use of your grill, you always want to have it ready to fire up at a moment’s notice. There are many tips and tricks to cleaning your grills between parties or between seasons. From informative videos to how-to articles, the last step is always the same no matter if it’s for the day or for the Winter … put a cover on it.
75% of all us adults, or just big kids, own a grill or smoker. That’s a lot when you think about all the different regions. That’s also a lot when you think about all the different kinds of styles of BBQ and grills out there. What’s more is the style of outdoor kitchens and rooms we have to think about too. From small balconies to lavish outdoor kitchens, we know style is one thing you think about when purchasing a cover. Sure the features of the cover are instrumental to how the cover will perform for you, but we know that your grill is just as much a part of your outdoor decor as your furniture is.

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We have over 10 different collections of covers, all with unique designer colorways to features. A big part of the design process here at Classic Accessories is keeping our ideas fresh and on trend. One of the biggest we see is the need for design and function have never been more apparent. We are seeing grills with numerous handle, color and finish options. Ryan Bloom, of Urban Bonfire, states that designers that choose to combine “raw cooking power with beauty see the winning combination.” We like to think that our designs nod to both camps. We have the strength and durability built into our covers with the designer features that compliment any outdoor space. Making the choice to cover you grill, barbecue or smoker should be an easy one. Finding the right size and style should be just as easy, and that’s where Classic Accessories can be a part of the solution.
Here’s to gathering around the grill this August with friends and family.
We hope you end the day, or season, with Classic Accessories.
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