It’s a match up that’s been a long time coming. Too long if you ask any local Seattle Seahawks fan. #1 Offense versus the #1 Defense in the NFL. Two weeks of media blitz that all comes down to a kickoff. After rounds of hashtags, likes, shares, tweets and retweets our social channel will take break from all things Seahawks. This however isn’t one of them!

Our city has been in some major news the past few months. Couldn’t you hear us? That buzz you’ve been hearing is our 12th man. We come from a city that doesn’t get much play in coverage. Well this year, we felt a change in the air. Seattle is a football town.  We have grown into our role as the 12th man and each year we seem to get “Bigger, Faster, Stronger … LOUDER.”

We have a team that our city rallies behind and it shows even when our guys are all the way across the map in NY. Our town paints itself blue and green every Friday and we continue it through the weekend for our Sundays which have become Seahawk Sundays around here. This Sunday is different – but don’t tell the team that. It’s away, it’s against the #1 offense …. it’s the SUPERBOWL. We’re a loud crowd here in Washington, and just because the guys aren’t in CenturyLink, doesn’t mean they can’t hear us.

No matter what team you’re cheering for this weekend, it will be a good game. We are so thankful to be able to extend our season to the biggest stage in the NFL. We can’t promise a win, but we can promise it will be loud, proud and above all else – fun!

From all the twelves – Thanks for giving us a team to cheer for and get behind  #GoHawks !!!!!

Want to know 12 facts about this year’s Hawks?